November 19, 2015
Lots of action in the weather starting after Thanksgiving. We'll let you know more later next week.
March 7, 2014 Winter Storms Forecast
The next chance for snow in the northeast could come as early as this weekend but mostly on Sunday as an arctic wave possibly forms on the arctic front stalled across the south coast of NE at that time. If this does happen there could be a nice little snowstorm setting up for the later half of the weekend bringing snow to much of the area. Since this really isn’t on the ‘map’ of most models right now it would be hard to say at this point how much snow might fall. Stay tuned.The big storm is still on the models in varying degrees for late next week. The days for a possible hit for the northeast area as early as late Wednesday and as late as very early Friday. Those would be start times. The pattern is similar to March 1993 but not exact. For those who remember we named the storm the March Superstorm or the Storm of the Century at that time. This upcoming storm would hit nearly to the day of the one in 1993. That said, early March is notorious for big storms especially when the winter has been this intense. The heat/spring fighting to take over usually gives way to at least one if not more decent storms in the US. The trick is, where will they hit and how much wintry precip will there be. Of the other big question is….severe weather and tornadoes. The system crossing Florida today will be a severe weather producer in that area this afternoon.As of now the worst case for next weeks storm is a shutdown from VA north into New England and back to at least western PA and NY. This due to snow, ice, flooding rains near the coast and winds of 50-70 mph! Snow totals would exceed 2 feet in many areas of the northeast, north of the PA turnpike into central New England. This would include severe weather in the southeast US.Best case- it never even happens. Models this year have had several storms that never materialized being forecast this far out.I believe there will be a storm later next week that will be strong to significant in the eastern US. I’ll have more details as we get closer.
Wednesday August 14- 9pm Update- Gulf of Mexico
The Gulf has a threat this weekend and then the Atlantic should become more active as we head into the end of August. We'll update this page as conditions warrant....daily at least!
Thursday June 27- 11:30 am Update- East Coast from FL to New England
Lots of rain continuing across the east this week and into the first week of July. That means flooding problems across a large area, more sinkhole problems in Florida and a bad setup going into the heart of hurricane season. Wet grounds will create a problem with not only flooding but loosened soil that will make trees vulnerable to any high winds.
For New Hampshire, Mass and Vermont get ready for a wet 24-36 hour period of 1-3 inches of rain. The faster it falls the worse things could be with roadway flooding and then river/stream flooding. This will be thunderstorm action which is very unpredictable until it is happenening. We recommend you keep aware of the storm situation by checking with the NWS for severe weather alerts.
You are getting advanced warning on this so it's your responsibility to make sure your family, business or organization is ready for what is around the corner.
Check out GoFood's through The Storm Warning to make sure you have a good and tasty food supply on hand. If you order one of their specials this month that totals $100 or more you get all of the Storm Warning services for 12 months. Also, if you live in New England Peniel Environmental is a fast rising disaster relief and restoration service you don't want to be without. Give them a shout and again, tell them Storm Warning sent you.
Friday June 7- 6pm- Storm Update for New England
For folks in New England, the heavy rain hasn't even started yet. This evening it will set in and get very heavy at times overnight and into early tomorrow. Expect rain totals of 2-4 inches areawide with street flooding in the typical areas. Because it's in and out by noon tomorrow rivers and streams should be ok...however, more rain is due in later Monday and Tuesday which could pose a problem. Let's get through tonight for now. Watch a movie or read a good book! Oh yeah, keep the sump pumps going.
Wednesday June 5- 6:30 pm update- Tropical Storm Andrea Forms
The National Hurricane Center is the place to go to keep up with the storm for the state of Florida. As Andrea comes up the east coast and into New England, Storm Warning will be keeping you posted as to our thoughts regarding possible impacts here. That won't be until Friday. We will keep you posted.
Wednesday June 5, 2013- Tropical System Growing in the Gulf of Mexico
The first tropical ‘system’ of the season is getting going in the southern Gulf of Mexico. While the general forecast consensus is that this will not become a major hurricane, it will definitely be a major rain producer. Here are some the details that Storm Warning will be keeping up with this week.
In Florida- 3-6 inches of rain for much of the western and northern part of the state
6-10 inches for areas from Naples north to Tampa Bay
While that type of rain is not totally out of the norm it will create flooding throughout the area, especially low lying and urban
Just as importantly, sink holes have been showing up regularly in Florida. These rains will only enhance that problem, perhaps greatly. Be advised and beware.
In the Northeast-
New York and Penn- 2-4 inches but some area receiving over 4 inches in eastern New York. Monitor NWS info from the these areas to keep up with storm.
New England - There could be flooding almost anywhere depending on where most of the rain falls. Totals should be 1-3 inches areawide with 3-6 inches possible from southern NH to central NY. That includes all of south NH and could lead to flooding throughout the area. If you haven’t made sure your home is secured from all types of flooding, including water damage of all sorts. If you find yourself needing help getting things restored due to flooding feel free to go Peniel Environmental and tell them Ron Moore from The Storm Warning sent you.
Sunday June 2, 2013 - Hurricane 2013 Vulnerabilities
The weather channel released this list of cities that are considered most vulnerable to a major hurricane hit.
Providence, RI
Key West, Fl
Charleston, SC
Mobile, AL
Savannah, GA
Houston, TX
Honolulu, HI
Jacksonville, FL
Naples, FL
Tampa, FL
For most it is way overdue. Be prepared. Know this, for a while you may be on your own.
Saturday June 1, 2013- Oklahoma to Indiana Tornadoes....Tropics coming alive
The main point to be made about last nights tornadoes in Oklahoma is this.....that area is very prone to tornadoes and chasing storms is not nearly as dangerous as last evening was made out to be. That is, if you follow simple Skywarn rules established be the National Weather Service many years ago.
The area this weekend to be alert for severe storms is the northeast including New England. Later next week it begins in the central Plains around Oklahoma once again. The other area under watch is in the Gulf of Mexico. As this system comes together it looks like folks from Florida to the eastern Carolina's could be a possible track/target zone through next week.
We'll have more throughout the weekend.
Thursday May 30, 2013- Tornadoes....now Hurricanes
We will continue to cover tornado and severe weather outbreaks for the remainder of 2013 but there will be a shift toward hurricane season which begins Saturday June 1. These storms pose a great threat to not only life but property and therefore our fragile economy. We'll not only update current trends and forecasts regarding actual weather but give some information about infrastructure problems that are very real should a major storm hit.
With time this information will only be available through our Event Risk Service. The best way to be prepared for any event is to have a stable food supply on hand. That's why we offer GoFood's as a premium food supply to have on hand.
Check back Saturday for the first 2013 Hurricane Forecast update!
Tuesday May 28, 2013- Chase Trip Update
Our storm season chase trip officially ended last Friday, May 24. We're back home now and getting ready this week to upload videos and pictures from the trip. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll let them speak for themselves as we publish them for you!
We have a number of people ask about going storm chasing with us next year and it is something we are considering. We'll let you know more about this as we develop a plan for that possible aspect of the business.
Friday May 10, 2013 Cold and Agriculture Update
More cold air is heading for the northeast this weekend and it will even snow in the higher elevations of the Appalachain Mountains! That is not good for planters. Below you will find more information about how farmers are doing with this planting season. This is a continuation of Wednesdays discussion. If you do not have a food supply on hand for disasters or just price inflation, check out our GoFOOD's. Remember with a monthy purchase of $50 or more a month you get Storm Warnings updates and alerts at no extra cost.
2% of the soybeans were planted compared to 22% last year and 12% average. It was mainly in the Delta region but even there the cold weather has the pace slower than last year. Louisiana was 39% planted versus 59% last year, Arkansas was 14% versus 55% last year and Mississippi was 15% planted versus 72% last year.
Winter wheat was 32% good to excellent versus 33% last week and 63% last year. It was 39% poor to very poor versus 35% last week and 12% last year. Texas was 74%, Oklahoma 45%, Kansas 40%, Nebraska 49%, and Colorado 56% poor to very poor.
Wednesday May 8, 2013 Cold Wave Impact Update
Good morning all. You wouldn't know it in New England but cold and snow have gripped a good part of the nations bread basket this spring leading to potentially serious issues with crops this year. Here is partial report on what it looks like so far. We'll release more throughout the week. Remember, these are meant as alerts for you to consider your families food supply and how that will be taken care of. Our GoFOOD's can take care of you right away. Go to http://www.stormwarning.mygofoods.com/ to order what you need.
So here's the first part of our report.
Corn as 12% planted as of May 5, 2013 compared to 69% last year and 47% average. The number 1 corn state Iowa was 8% planted versus 62% last year. Illinois at 7% compared with 88% last year. Minnesota was just 2% planted versus 69% last year. North Dakota 1% versus 52%, South Dakota 7% versus 53%, Ohio was 7% versus 76%, Indiana 8% versus 82%, Nebraska 14% versus 70%, Kansas 17% versus 72%, and Michigan 5% versus 43% last year. Only 3% of the corn was emerged versus 29% last year.
May Chase
Ron Moore, May 2013
The nation continues to be under the influence of a major upper level low that is creating winter like weather across much of the central part of the nation. Snow fell today as far south as Oklahoma. Numerous spring and May snowfall, cold temperature records are being set across the Great Plains. For tornado chasers this has not been a good spring but for residents it's the best...no tornadoes.
Current plans are for the Moore family to hit the road right after church on May 12, Mother's Day, and begin the long drive out to the Great Plains. We invite you to follow along here at Storm Warning to see what's up each day.
Remember, we'll also cover extreme weather events nationwide. Tell your friends and family there is a place for all there storm preparedness needs at The Storm Warning.