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Ron studied meteorology and geography at FSU. He received his Master of Science in the Geography department while doing research work in Hurricane Climate, risk assessment and GIS work with FEMA. He has served on county teams in Florida where he helped with emergency preparedness and evacuation processes and procedures. Ron also served as the New England director for Disaster USA with an international church network from 2009-11. When he isn't chasing he is giving you the Moorecast on his Facebook page The Storm Warning!

Say hello to Charlene Moore. Her job is to get us from point A to point B in the quickest way possible so we don't miss those storms! Maps abound and MapQuest is going all the time. She never uses just one navigation source, though, because you always need a backup plan! She also manages the hotel bookings each night so the team isn't sleeping in the van. Something the guys don't mind but the only female on board does!

Son #1. Josh has had the chase bug for quite some time. Some say he's going to grow up to be just like his dad! He is the spotter while Ron is driving. He has a keen eye to spot for any formation to not only get us in a good position, but to also keep us out of harm's way. Most of the pictures we took during our chase in 2012 were spotted by Josh in time for us to get pretty good shots! He also helps out with navigation when Charlene is busy taking pictures and video.

Son #2 (and final kid). The past few years Caleb has been in training to read the weather models and radar. After finding many of the rotations on radar last year, we have graduated him to the position of radar keeper. He has a sharp eye for finding the rotations on screen and sky.
He's also the one that keeps an eye out for shelters as we go through towns in case we have to take cover!
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